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What Happens When I Complain or Compliment

 DISCLAIMER: America's Choice for the Discerning Citizen (ACDC), AND IT'S AGENTS, CANNOT GUARANTEE ANY OUTCOME FROM SUBMITTING A COMPLAINT. ACDC agents are strong consumers like yourself, and are NOT ATTORNEYS, nor do we represent ourselves as an agent to any legal firm and/or any individual Attorney or legal aid. If during this process it is recommended to take legal action, we may refer you to an attorney, or you may choose your own. WE CANNOT, AND WILL NOT, AT ANY TIME GIVE ANY LEGAL ADVICE  AS IT IS UNLAWFUL TO IMPERSONATE AND/OR IMPLY THAT YOU ARE LEGAL COUNSEL.

ACDC TODAY is intended to provide news, information and resources available to those discerning citizens that feel as though they do not have a voice. They sometimes feel powerless and lost in this world of bait and switch ads and mega-companies that treat their complaints and/or concerns like waste materials. Sure there are other means of lodging a complaint of Like or Dislikes. There comes a time when you need good old-fashioned ground troops that can up-root injustice, and advocate for you professionally. We will look at the validity and facts of your compliant, and will be the voice that you need to stand up for yourself.  




1. Can I do it anonymously ?


Answer: Yes you can, your information and/or name will not be published in any way during the first phase of our process. Although if the process goes beyond the first phase due to its validity, and any further action is recommended, you may choose to pursue matter further.  We will not sell or share your name, email address, or personal nformation without your consent.  You have a choice to make if you persue action outside of our advocacy.


2. Is there a fee associated with any help ACDC provides ? 


Answer: No, we are a non-profit entity and we survive on donations only. Once you submit a  free complaint for instance, and we receive a response, we will notify you and ask if you want to take further action. If so we will recommend that you make a suggested donation of $1 to $10 to cover any certified letters and administration costs.


3. What if I don't want to make donation ?


Answer: Your anonymously complaint will be posted to our public platform to see if others are having same issues with a particular company or person. This public posting will not identify you as the complainant, only the complaint itself.


4. What happens to the company and/or person I complain on ?


Answer:There are always two sides to every story. After we submit a letter to the company or individual, they will have the opportunity to respond in the same manner as you within 10 business days. Thus in most cases you will see a complaint with a response tied to it, with a resolution at best. 


5. Can I pursue a civil suit if I desire ?


Answer: ACDC agents and staff are NOT ATTORNEYS nor do we represent ourselves as an agent to any legal firm and/or any individual Attorney or legal aid. If during this process it is recommended to take legal action, we may refer you to an attorney or you choose your own. WE CANNOT, AND WILL NOT, AT ANY TIME GIVE ANY LEGAL ADVICE  AS IT IS UNLAWFUL TO IMPERSONATE AND/OR IMPLY THAT YOU ARE LEGAL COUNSEL. That is always your personal choice at anytime during this process.



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